The Coaching Company specializes in large systems change in the corporate sector.
We have particular expertise in the energy, financial services, retail and FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) sectors.
Our approach to change management is influenced by the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy tradition of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, Process Oriented Psychology by Arnold Mindell (Sitting in the Fire), Systems-Based Change Management Theory by John Kotter (Leading Change, Our Iceberg is Melting), and Systems Theory by Peter Senge (The Fifth Discipline).
We also draw on work by William Bridges (The Way of Transition) and James Hillman (Blue Fire).
The proprietory change management system (CMS7) that we have developed involves understanding a client's needs of a particular change initiative, developing a bespoke change solution that is appropriate for that context, communicating the reasons for change in the business to employees, and delivering this solution in the appropriate manner to ensure sustainable impact on and benefit to the organisation.
If you would like more information on Change Consulting, please contact us here.